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What is fever in children?
Fever is an increase in body temperature above the normal limit
Causes of high temperature🤒
for the child 👈 Bacterial, viral infection such as ear and throat infections Or influenza, urinary tract infection, or tonsillitis Heat may help eliminate inflammation It is only part of the way the body’s immune system works to combat and eliminate disease.
👈After taking vaccination and periodic vaccinations.
👈 Staying in hot areas for long periods, or suffering from heat stroke (sunstroke).
👈 Playing for a long time, or being emotional, such as intense crying. In this case, the increase may be slight or severe.
👈 The stage of tooth appearance, during which the whole body reacts, and here also the height does not exceed the upper limit of the normal rate in some children.
Signs and symptoms of fever in a child
👈 Pale face, feeling cold and chills, with loss of appetite, and constipation.
👈 Facial flushing and redness, forehead heat, dry skin, and increased pulse or rapid heartbeat.
👈 Feeling upset, tired, exhausted, unable to move, and wanting to sleep.
👈 Sweat that may wet a child’s body
👈 The appearance of medical symptoms that cause fever, such as cough, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, ear pain, joint pain, diarrhea and abdominal pain, or the appearance of a skin rash.
All of these are indicators that may indicate to the mother or doctor the cause of the fever.
Ways to deal with a child with fever, how to reduce a high temperature at home The mother should remove or loosen the child’s clothes, place the child in a moderately cool room, then begin wiping the child’s body with a sponge or clean towel moistened with lukewarm water. The child is given plenty of fluids, such as water and juice, to compensate for the fluid loss and to avoid dehydration