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One of the worst habits that children do is eating chips on a daily basis, and some eat several bags in one day.
It is even sold in children’s hospital cafeterias.
Every mother should accustom her children to everything natural and avoid such foods, especially after rumors spread about chips in the market and the presence of poisoned samples.
Of the health risks to the child: Chips contain very high calories, which causes obesity in a very short period of time for children and adults Eating chips on a regular basis increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Atherosclerosis begins in a person at the age of 7 years, so a child should not be underestimated and given what he wants for the sake of nutrition.
Some studies have proven that eating chips during pregnancy may be more harmful to the fetus than smoking, because chips contain carcinogenic substances.
Also, eating chips in large quantities may causeع cancer in those who eat them. Some factories do not make chips from 100% potatoes, but rather make dough from ground potatoes, rice and flour.