Our Aim Is To Follow You In Your Journey With Your Children , To Make Sure They Grow Healthy ,Happy And Fully Protected, To Support You In Time Of Need And To Ensuer That You Have The Right Medical Service All The Time .
What does reflux mean? It is a relaxation of the lower muscles holding the esophagus, which allows the milk to return from the stomach to the esophageal lumen. This leads to discomfort and a feeling of heartburn in the infant, and this condition ends with the child vomiting milk. The infant suffers from reflux
When does it become dangerous? There are two reasons for delayed speech in children: Either a natural reason, such as the fact that he is the first child and that his mother and father do not talk to him or do not talk to each other in front of him often, and therefore he does not hear many words and does not see who is speaking, so he does not try to imitate. Either because of a physical or psychological illness or something else, which is the subject of our discussion today.
Your child has poor concentration He has little appetite His academic comprehension is low Cracked most of the time Keep this post for you and you will benefit a lot from it You must know that all children are supposed to take a preventive dose of iron 3 months of every year to prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. Preventive doses of iron according to the age of the child
Our Reputation Speaks
Pediatricians play a crucial role in preventive care and health promotion. By providing routine check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings, pediatricians help prevent and detect potential health issues early,
Developing strong relationships with patients and their families is a fundamental aspect of pediatric care.
Pediatrics offers the opportunity to positively impact the lives of children and adolescents,